Tuesday, November 24, 2009

HOW TO: Fashion 101- Celebrities in their Uggs

Holiday's are near. And I want Uggs badly =(

I've always wanted Uggs all my life. I just never went out and got them! Aside from the fact that I am afraid to wear them in the wrong place, wrong outfit at the wrong time, I just simply don't want to look--err Different you know?

I recently visited my trusty Flickr.com, and I've been seeing people comment on these people *Negatively*

I know it's bad. I mean, can't you just let these people wear their Uggs whenever they want it? But looking at a Fashion Perspective... they are just wrong..!

note: no intentions of hurting these girls *found @ flickr.com*

Isn't it that you wear your Uggs most especially when it's chilling outside? If not you wear them with layered clothes?

I just simply adore Nicky Hilton, Vanessa Hudgens and Miley Cyrus for recently sporting their Uggs. This gives it a decent ad classic effect.

*photo credit flickr.com*

When I look at these three ladies I feel the snow coming!

How about you? How do you wear Uggs?

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